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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Mario Kart Wii System : Nintendo Wii Date Added : 2008-01-29 21:42:15 Views : 29609 Alternate Title Screen and Ending Screen Completing every single cup with a first place unlocks two new alternating Title Screens and one new Ending Photo. Bikes After meeting the requirements, some unlockables may require you to back out of your save file and reselect it.
Avoid Blue Shells On any track with a DK cannon, while flying in the air the blue shell will chase you then will fall behind. You will hear an explosion, but you will be unharmed. Bonus characters Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:
Karts After meeting the requirements, some unlockables may require you to back out of your save file and reselect it.
Credits Earn all trophies in a class to view the credits and see a congratulations screen featuring your Mii with Mario and Peach. To get another congratulations screen featuring your Mii with all the racers, win all Grand Prix Cups. Quick start Hold 2 when the countdown reaches "2" and that number begins to fade. Profile name stars You can add a star next to your profile name on the results screen and the Wi-Fi races by completing all Grand Prix races with a certain rank.
Fast ghosts Defeat a normal course ghost with a time at least seven seconds faster. Quick recovery When you fall into an obstacle, press 2 precisely when you land. You will get a short boost to start moving again. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Mario Kart Wii cheat codes.
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